Walking The Tightrope Of Life

Author: Charley Hickey is a practicing yoga therapist and senior yoga teacher who runs group and private yoga classes in Applecross & Fremantle, Perth.  She also runs specialised yoga workshops for yoga students & yoga teachers. “It’s all about balance..” How...

Why You Should Never Trust A Yoga Teacher…

Author: Charley Hickey is a practicing yoga therapist and senior yoga teacher who runs group and private yoga classes in Applecross & Fremantle, Perth.  She also runs specialised yoga workshops for yoga students & yoga teachers. Yesterday I did a very silly...

S**t That’s Hard To Swallow

I came across this on a menu board on a recent family trip to Thailand and it gave us all a laugh. Of course we knew full well what the intention was behind those words and that we’d be eating fried rice with crab – not crap! It might seem like a bizarre connection to...

What “Letting Go” Really Feels Like

TIMETABLE | BOOKINGS | PRICES | CONTACT US I think we all know someone who gives the well-meaning advice of “Just let go…”.  I should know as I am one of those people and chances are if you are reading this, you’ve heard me say it during a yoga class! It’s easy advice...

Slow is the New Fast

Wow, school holidays really are a crazy time, it’s so busy near where I live in Fremantle as it’s a bit of a tourist centre during the holidays.  We are fortunate that we are able to enjoy this place when it’s quiet but when it’s peak hour, I...

Doing Yoga Vs Striking A Pose

I’d just like to make it clear that yes, I have put the pictures and the captions the right way around. The picture on the left is of me doing my yoga practice and the picture on the right is me posing for a photo and not doing yoga. To explain, I get annoyed (yes...