Hot Yoga Warm YogaAuthor: Charley Hickey is a practicing yoga therapist and senior yoga teacher who runs group and private yoga classes in Applecross & Fremantle, Perth.  She also runs specialised yoga workshops for yoga students & yoga teachers.

Yes, it’s a bit of a play on words a usual! If you don’t know me personally, you may be thinking this is another ranting BLOG by someone who hates hot yoga when really it isn’t.  However, it’s something that’s been on my mind for a while to write about.

Do You Teach Hot Yoga?

Usually, the first thing I get asked by students, friends and even strangers is “what kind of yoga do you teach?” It’s an interesting question and one that almost doesn’t have an answer.   At the end of the day, we all teach “yoga”.  However, I do often get asked if I teach that hot yoga.  I think it’s because this is a particular style that in recent years has had lots of media attention and has its lovers and haters.  So, I’ve started answering with “No, I teach warm yoga actually” This is partly because I’m a self confessed smart-ass and can’t help myself but it’s also true!

Teaching Warm Yoga

I teach warm yoga and this is why…. When you turn up to my yoga class I try to be friendly and nice even if you are having a grumpy day yourself. If it’s your first class and you seem a little nervous I might introduce you to a regular student who I know will help you feel at ease.  I will ask your name and try to remember it for next time.

I’ll ask you about your health and give you options during class because I want you to make friends with yourself not harm yourself.  I’ll dim the lights so they’re not shining in your eyes.  Try to ensure you are not too hot or too cold (warm perhaps?!).  I give you permission to leave if you are overwhelmed, quietly cry if you are upset.  Be overweight, stiff, old, cranky or anything else that you happen to be.

It’s All About YOU, Not Me

I’ll give you opportunities to be gentle with yourself and opportunities to challenge yourself.  You will decide each time which options you would like to take depending on how you feel, not me!  I’ll always be here to help you  if you need it though, you can wave at me anytime.  I won’t put you up the front or down the back depending on your ability. I don’t adjust you every five minutes to get you into better “alignment”.  However,  I’ll always let you know if you’re doing something that looks dangerous.

I won’t give you vague, flowery instructions that make no sens to a regular human being new to yoga! I won’t judge you if you are here simply to get in some rest time (sometimes sleep time!).  If you are here purely to tone your abs and don’t listen to a word I say about anything else, no drama.  It’s up to you; it’s your class once you are on your mat and you can take whatever you like from it.

I’m just here, doing my thing, grateful that you are here too and hoping that we can learn from one another.  Are you in the warm yoga movement?

Charley Hickey




If warm yoga sounds good,  you can learn more about our classes in Applecross, Fremantle and Bateman here and make a booking here.  If you don’t live nearby, we know lots of warm yoga teachers to refer you onto, just email us here and we’ll try to help you!