It’s quite exciting to announce that the long running Wednesday 945am Fremantle yoga class is moving in 2017. After many years located at the East Fremantle Oval, it’s time to say goodbye! The lovely view out over the East Fremantle Oval will be missed but the newly refurbished Fremantle PCYC Progress Hall in Hilton awaits you all. The photos show what it looks like from the outside and the inside is very light and airy. There is still heating and air-conditioning to keep everyone comfortable as well.
Fremantle Yoga at PCYC
The reason it’s exciting for us, and a little nostalgic, is that I taught my first ever yoga class in this very hall in 2003. Back then it was a drafty old hall run by Fremantle Council and in dire need of renovations. Some of you that came to that first class still attend today. This is quite astounding and something I never expected when I first began. I remember teaching that first class with such clarity. I was terrified but trying hard to hide it! Being a yoga teacher is very different to just practicing yoga which is all I had done up until that point. I kept reminding myself to breath which definitely helped me to get through it! Thank goodness I did or I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Moving With The Changes
Change can be difficult, especially when something is a regular part of our weekly routine. There will be a new route to take, somewhere different to park and new surroundings to get familiar with. Parking is easy here and there is a nice coffee shop within walking distance. It won’t be surprising if some students end up driving to East Fremantle by mistake over the first couple of terms! This might all seem annoying yet it is also an opportunity to practice mindfulness. We are often on autopilot and change can be a great way of reigniting our practice of mindfulness.
Fremantle Yoga New Address
Fremantle PCYC – Progress Hall, 34 Paget Street, Hilton (MAP)
Go in the main entrance toward reception and the Progress Hall is to the left.
See you there!